Saturday, 16 November 2013

A night on the town and Super Nintendo night on the projector

After a first week of teaching for Kristine and a week of well nothing for me (Stephen ) we fancied a night on the tiles. During the week I would pick Kristine up from school, after spending the day attempting to learn a new skill. We were fortunate enough to meet a couple from the UK who have numerous talents. To name a few they shared, we have mixed martial artist, yoga, Juggling, hooping (Hooping combines technical moves and tricks with freestyle of technical dancing), Slack-lining (walking and tricks on a suspended nylon rope or walkway, more like a long skinny trampolining, combining tricks with balance) and contact juggling with a crystal ball, which blows my mind to watch, here is a YouTube video of someone doing it - check it out: Contact juggling video. Picture David Bowie in Labyrinth. And that's just a few of their many talents.
So feeling lazy, we said we would try a few new skills and they lent me some juggling balls, as it's been on both our... lets say bucket list, as I've always wanted to learn. So after a few hours of practicing and getting very frustrated, I can now juggle 3 balls up to 9 catch and releases and Kristine started practicing as well. That night they set up the slack-line in the bar and we had to give it a go. It was a lot harder then he made it look, as he was bouncing and dropping to his knees, as he walked it. I on the other hand tried to stand up on it bounced off and landed bare foot on a small rock, which was quite painful, thus ending my possibly promising career as a Slack line artist.  Kristine however was able top stand up and walk un-aided a few steps, but more practice is definitely required but she is also attempting the hooping and has fun doing it :).

This is another reason we came to Thailand, as even at night here, it is still 25 degrees, so the whole area is alive with groups of people playing games like Lawn Bowls, Basketball, football, volleyball and many more. They have big sporting events as well as markets and shows. And this means we are a lot more active during the week, with the Muay Thai as well. During the week Rainny was able to get a basketball and we spent one evening trying to get at least one single shot in, but had fun in the process. A group of  Thais playing volleyball asked one of the lads to join their game and from all the laughter we could hear, it sounded like a good game. Thai people are officially the nicest people I have ever met. With the basketball we said we would keep it up, so NBA here we come, I'm sure a 5ft 7 guy could learn to dunk....right ...right?  "The hoop is how high *cough*, never-mind", But still fun to play :-)

On the Friday a group of us headed to the students bars as Rainny's sisters boyfriend was playing  in a band in one of the big bars. We all got a little merry before heading out and ended up going to a club in town called U-bar, it was a huge club with live music in one bar and outside in the garden was a DJ. Place was a bit pricey but we all had a good night. A small amount of night swimming in a city hotel may have been done as well...

The next day we nursed our hangovers and as Rainny is having a "Street Fighter" for the Super Nintendo tournament next Thursday, we said we need to get in some practice. We had downloaded all the best games for the Snes and it was amazing playing them on the projector through a website, which has every Sega game, every Snes and every other console games you can think of ready to download. I got all nostalgic as I remember playing a lot of these games as a young teen.
We played for hours games like: Street fighter 2, Mortal Kombat 3, Donkey Kong, Mario all stars and a few more. I'm waiting for Crash Bandicoot to download and that will be me happy :) I was surprised I could remember a lot of the moves seeing as it's been nearly 20 years. Roll on Thursday night, as not only is it "Street Fighter" tournament night but that evening I start "my new job" :) Yep you heard me I'm starting to work, no longer a kept man :)

So the new job is really 2 part time jobs that I found through different sources. I'll be teaching adults conversational English on Thursday and Friday for a few hours in a German/ Thai Technology University and Saturday and Sunday in a different school, teaching 3 classes a day for 8-10, 12-14, and 16/17 year olds which because it's all beginner I can teach the same 2 lessons to all students so only have to create 2 a week which I have plenty of time to do, if the juggling doesn't get in the way :)

My first lesson will be introducing myself and where I'm from, so I've printed off loads of pictures of the
greener side of Ireland and where we are on the map. Don't think I would have gotten away showing pictures of every pub I've drank in, in Dublin as most schools are looking for non drinkers but sure everyone says that in the interviews. I heard one guy who was asked this and didn't want to lie so said he drank a bit on the weekends and they went cold for the rest of the interview and no call.

Kristine is spending this week preparing for Loi Krathong the big Festival here with her kids making the Krathongs (Floats made from banana tree's). This Friday they have a big show on and she has been asked to wear traditional Thai clothing. We don't know what that is yet :)
So next weekend for the festival we will be heading to the city to send up the lanterns and make our floats to send down the river, last time we where in Chiang Mai for this and it was amazing, unfortunately our camera decided to give up on life and in the process deleted every photo we had from that time. So we're not even going for us we're going for the pics :). It's kind of like a new years eve atmosphere and every one comes out so hopefully we can share our pics next week at the festival.